18 spaces hit the market as available in the subject area in the last 7 days, equating to 170,000 SF, roughly in the range (yet higher end) of recent weekly additions;

ONLY 5 spaces (over 1,000 SF) came off the market equating to 140,000 SF, albeit 4 of the spaces were full floors removed from the sublease market in the lower block of 10 St. James.

DID YOU KNOW?: the 213 acre “LMA” (Longwood Medical & Academic Area) is home to 7 world class hospitals and 11 private & public secondary and colleges & universities.  Pre-COVID, 111,000 people a day come to the LMA!  2.6 million patients are treated in the LMA – EVERY YEAR!  Also, the LMA has its own power generation facility called “MATEP”.

Sadly, the availability rate in Boston rose to an all-time recent high at 13.4%, a substantial uptick, equating to 15,100,000 SF.