Credit: Mary Landucci
Competition breeds a better product and Boston’s office landlords are adding key differentiators. No longer are lobby and common area upgrades the most notable factors when considering a new location for your company. Now tenants might consider items like: Green Factor, Hubway location and Bike Storage, after hours HVAC and Social Managers.
451 D Street in Boston’s Seaport has added Mary Landucci as the Social Manager to assist with coordinating all events for the building.
In an article with Biznow, Landucci notes that “from a recruitment standpoint, it’s become essential for companies, in Boston specifically, to provide their employees with space that caters well to Millennials. My role is a meaningful way for the building landlord to add to that lively, social environment. Also, by having our own building programming as well as a 3,300 SF building lounge, we’re seeking to take some of the pressure off of our tenant companies to be forced to create that space and programming within their own workplace.”
You can read the entire Landucci interview on Biznow’s website.