According to CoStar, there are 4 Class A buildings under construction that can accommodate users of 50,000 square feet or more.  They are located in the Seaport and Back Bay and have combined number of 1,610,202 square feet.

Building Address Submarket Name Number Of Stories Rentable Building Area  Typical Floor Size  Max Floor Contiguous Space  Total Available Space (SF)
888 Boylston Back Bay 17                    425,000             25,000                              26,170                             89,173
100 Northern Ave Seaport 17                    395,202             23,247                              32,006                           154,931
140 Northern Ave Seaport 13                    375,000             30,769                              28,846                           374,998
121 Seaport Blvd Seaport 17                    415,000             24,412                              34,400                           414,202
 Total                 1,610,202